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Creating A Backyard Ice Rink Zamboni: Interior Decorating Tips

Backyard Ice Rink Zamboni BACKYARD HOME
Backyard Ice Rink Zamboni BACKYARD HOME from backyards-home.blogspot.com


Having a backyard ice rink is a dream for many hockey enthusiasts. However, maintaining the ice can be a challenge. That's where a backyard ice rink zamboni comes in. In this article, we'll explore some interior decorating tips to help you create the perfect space for your backyard ice rink zamboni.

Backyard Ice Rink Zamboni

Choosing a Theme

When it comes to choosing a theme for your backyard ice rink zamboni room, you want to consider something that is fun and playful. A great option is to go with a hockey theme. This could include hockey-themed wallpaper, bedding, and decorations.

Hockey Themed Bedroom

Color Scheme

The color scheme for your backyard ice rink zamboni room should be cool and calming. Think blues and grays. These colors will create a relaxing environment that is perfect for unwinding after a long day of skating.

Blue and Gray Bedroom

Furniture Placement

When it comes to furniture placement, you want to make sure that your backyard ice rink zamboni has plenty of space to move around. Consider placing your bed against the wall to create more open space in the center of the room. You may also want to invest in a comfortable chair or bean bag for lounging.

Bean Bag Chair

Decorative Options

There are many decorative options to choose from when it comes to creating the perfect backyard ice rink zamboni room. Some great options include hanging hockey jerseys on the wall, using hockey sticks as curtain rods, and placing hockey pucks in a bowl on your dresser.

Hockey Decor


Creating the perfect backyard ice rink zamboni room is all about incorporating fun and playful elements into your interior design. By choosing a hockey theme, cool colors, and strategic furniture placement, you'll have a space that is both comfortable and functional. With these interior decorating tips, you'll be ready to hit the ice in no time!

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