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The Bathtub Girls: A Relaxing And Serene Bedroom Theme

Little girl taking a bath in the tub Free Stock Video
Little girl taking a bath in the tub Free Stock Video from mixkit.co


The Bathtub Girls

Creating a relaxing and serene atmosphere in your bedroom is essential for a good night's sleep. One theme that can achieve this is "The Bathtub Girls." This theme is inspired by the infamous painting by Richard Tuschman, depicting two women relaxing in a vintage bathtub in a serene environment.

Color Scheme

Color Scheme

The color scheme for this theme should be soft and neutral, with shades of blue, green, and beige. The walls can be painted in a light blue or green color, while the bedding and curtains can be beige. Adding a few pops of color through decorative pillows or artwork can add interest to the space. Lighting is also important, and soft yellow lights can create a warm and cozy atmosphere.

Furniture Placement

Furniture Placement

The key to creating a relaxing atmosphere is to keep the space clutter-free. For "The Bathtub Girls" theme, the bed should be the focal point of the room. Place it in the center of the room, with two matching nightstands on either side. A vintage vanity or dresser can be placed against one of the walls, with a comfortable chair for getting ready in the morning. A cozy armchair or chaise lounge can be added to a corner of the room for reading and relaxation.

Decorative Options

Decorative Options

Decorative options for "The Bathtub Girls" theme should be vintage-inspired and serene. Adding a vintage bathtub to the corner of the room can create a unique focal point. Hanging vintage art or photographs on the walls can add interest and personality to the space. Soft and cozy throw blankets and pillows can be added to the bed and armchair for extra comfort. Fresh flowers or a vase of greenery can add life to the space and create a calming atmosphere.


The "Bathtub Girls" theme is perfect for creating a relaxing and serene atmosphere in your bedroom. By using a soft and neutral color scheme, keeping the space clutter-free, and adding vintage-inspired decorative options, you can create a space that is both beautiful and comfortable.

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